Mother Nature and Healing Gifts of Springtime
- At April 14, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Wellness
Spring has arrived and is bursting forth here in the northeast — a welcome respite from the long, cold winter season. Daffodils, symbols of rebirth and new beginnings, are such a welcome site! Spring draws our attention outward, to the beauty Mother Nature brings us, as we go from inward times of stillness and hibernation to outward times of flowering and activity.
The natural world provides captivating and enchanting passageways for healing, nourishment, and coming home to our hearts and true nature, beyond the stress and busyness of the everyday world. Nature provides a menu for our senses to take in, digest, and feast upon — glorious colors and hues; fragrant aromas; sounds of wind, birds, bees, and flowing waters; tastes of fresh fruits and vegetables; going barefoot again and walking gently upon Mother Earth; feeling the sun’s warmth as it shines down upon us.
During the still, silent moments when we touch upon the beauty and mystery in Mother Nature, we can also remember the beauty and mystery within our human nature. At these times we can reconnect with what is blossoming and coming alive within us — dreams, creative projects, relationships — new beginnings. We can reflect upon what seeds we want to plant in our life garden, when, and how to tend them for the most abundant, robust blossoming.
Self-care practices will provide ways and means to fertilize the soil in your garden. Meditation, mindfulness, movement, and breath practices will furnish you with your own “Miracle Gro,” which will enhance your garden’s blossoms.
- What do you want to grow in your life garden this spring?
- When and how will you plant the seeds or seedlings?
- Who and what will you include to nourish new growth in your life garden?
I wish you an abundantly beautiful, nourishing, and healing springtime…….
What Self-care practices will best nourish you and your life garden?
Happy Spring!
- At March 20, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Press, Wellness
March 20th is one of my favorite days. It’s not only the beginning of spring, but it is also my daughter’s birthday. Today she celebrates four decades of being here on Earth, an almost surreal passing of time. Each year on her birthday I am reminded of the sweetness of spring blossoms, the feelings of expanded freedom to be alive, the unfolding of new life all around, and the welcome joy and sunshine in each day. The flowering cherry trees that grow in Holmdel Park, near my home in New Jersey, are harbingers that remind me of the beauty and expansive gifts Mother Nature presents us with each spring.
Spring takes us from the stillness and hibernation of winter into brighter and longer days, more hours of warmth and sunshine, and a time of new growth and blossoming. In spring we begin to consider what we want to plant in our gardens. Our lives are like a garden. We need to consider what, when, where, and how we will plant. What part(s) of your life are calling for new growth and blossoming? What seeds will you plant this spring? When and how will you plant them, and how will you nourish them? Like a garden, your life needs water, Light, and tending. How will you nourish yourself and the soil in your life garden? What do you need to add so that your blossoms contain abundant beauty, color, and fragrance? Don’t forget to add the magical elixir within your heart to your gardens….your personal ”Miracle Gro.”
Self-care practices will bring you home, and cultivate increased awareness about new growth pushing forth from within. There are many practices to choose from: meditation, mindfulness, yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, dance, music, art, pets, gardening, sports, etc. Each will nurture you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Become aware of how practices change with each season, especially as spring brings you once again into the warm outdoors.
Take time to consider what you will plant and grow in your life garden as spring begins. How will new growth add meaning and purpose to your life? Cultivate your garden with Self-care practices, clear out the weeds, enjoy watching each new blossom burst forth, and witness what grows when your heart becomes the master gardener.
Book Release: “The Heart of Healing”
- At March 8, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Events, Press, Wellness
It is with great joy that I welcome a new “baby” into the world…a book that has been incubating and developing over the past ten to fifteen years. The Heart of Healing: Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care is here and available at Create Space,, and at
Throughout life we witness births and new beginnings in our families, our jobs, our relationships, our careers, etc. Can you remember the ones that stand out for you?
I still remember watching my father breed and raise canaries when my siblings and I were small. I was filled with awe as each baby canary broke through their shell at birth. Their mother patiently stood by, trusting their ability to do this. I loved being present when my father’s stern exterior softened, as he fed each newborn canary with a small eye dropper, until they could eat on their own. His gentleness revealed the very sensitive heart that existed beneath the surface. Births and new beginnings have a way of opening our hearts and enabling them to blossom.
My children, too, had many pets as they grew up…hamsters, gerbils, goldfish, parakeets, the snake my son brought home during summer break from college, and our dog Max. Each pet needed tending and care, as did my father’s canaries. On most days, this occurred without complaints. Looking back I can see how each pet provided companionship and taught us about showing up and being present from our hearts. The greatest lesson our dog Max gave us, over 14 years, was how to give and receive unconditional love. I find it interesting that we often take better care of our pets and cars than we do of ourselves. This has been true during many times in my life, when I was challenged to learn and practically apply Self-care as a way to regain health and balance.
A significant problem we face today is how to live and be healthy in a world filled with constant stress. During the thirty years I have worked with clients in physical therapy, three solutions to this problem continuously became apparent:
- increase Self-awareness
- use Self-care practices
- return home to the heart and authentic Self
It was these experiences with clients that pushed me to write this book about the themes we encounter during healing, and how to maximize well-being through Self-care. The healing journey is challenging, and often brings us into the dark, muddy waters of life….like the waters in which the lotus grows. Healing tools and strategies help us to become empowered and grow through these times. As we come out the other side of healing journeys, we frequently discover what remains beautiful in ourselves and our life. We, too blossom, like the lotus, as we reach up and out of darkness into the Light.
The Heart of Healing will be a valuable resource guide for each reader, one which reminds us of the vast widom that exists in the last place we often look, within ourselves.
Events: Seva Acupressure for Self-Care
- At February 27, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Continuing Education, Events, Press, Wellness
Acupressure for Self Care: Seva Stress Release: Part 1 (3 hours)
Many cultures around the world practice giving service from the heart. Giving to another person with no expectation of personal gain (Seva) benefits the giver as well as the receiver. The Seva Stress Release program helps manage stress and promotes general relaxation, well-being, and Self-healing.
In this interactive three-hour workshop you will learn Seva through demonstration and hands-on practice, and take home six valuable and practical Self-care tools: acupressure, meditation and breath practices, mindfulness, journaling, and body-mind movement (Chakra Tai Chi).
Fee: $60 (Seva Part One is a pre-requisite for Seva Part Two)
Seva Stress Release: Part Two (3 hours)
In this dynamic three-hour workshop you will learn how to use the Seva Acupressure protocol with others. You will learn through review, demonstration, and practicing the Seva protocol with other class participants, seated in chairs and lying fully clothed on massage tables. You will also deepen Self-awareness through practicing Chakra Tai Chi, meditation and breath practices, mindfulness, and use of an Awareness Journal.
Fee: $60
Holmdel, New Jersey Class Schedule: (pre-registration required for Introductions and classes; Introductions not required for Seva Class)*
*Questions/Registration: Regina Rosenthal — 732-706-5216
May, 2013:
Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 7-8:30 PM: Free Introduction to Seva & Self-Care
Saturday, May 4, 2013: Seva Acupressure for Self-Care Part 1 AND Seva Acupressure with Others Part 2
Seva Part 1: 9 AM – 12 Noon. Seva Part 2: 1 – 4 PM
(Part 1 & Part 2 can be taken on the same day or on separate days)
June, 2013:
Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 7-8:30 PM: Free Introduction to Seva and Self-Care
Saturday, June 15, 2013: Seva Acupressure for Self-Care Part 1 AND Seva Acupressure with Others Part 2
Seva Part 1: 9 AM – Noon. Seva Part 2: 1 – 4 PM
(Part 1 & Part 2 can be taken on the same day or on separate days)
Healing: Self-awareness, Self-Care, & Returning to the Authentic Self
- At February 26, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Wellness
The healing journey takes us along many different pathways. As we travel, healing challenges us to remember and reestablish our internal and external connections within the Great Mystery that surrounds and enfolds us. It is this grand design that comes alive within us each time we reconnect with our heart and authentic Self.
Healing asks us to show up and be present. This is a huge challenge in today’s world, where we encounter constant stress and change. During three decades of practice as a physical therapist, clients continuously demonstrated how three strategies enabled them to live and maximize daily health and well-being:
increase Self-awareness
use Self-care practices
reconnect with the heart and authentic Self
These strategies and practices enhance our ability to respond and create a greater sense of wholeness throughout our being — body, mind, emotions, and soul or life force. Learning and applying these practices is key to developing strength, flexibility, resilience, and a sense of personal empowerment during life and healing.
All healing involves Self-healing. This heart-and-soul journey and evolutionary process leads us “home” and endows us with the ability to engage and grow through the paradoxes of life — the sorrows and the joys, the efforting and the effortless, the doing and the being. Each of us who participates in any healing process, our own or others, are like stars that inhabit the realm, shedding light amidst the darkness, in service to everyone and everything.
What Self-care strategies and practices have you explored to increase Self-awareness? Many are available: meditation, mindfulness, yoga, journaling, movement/exercise, time in nature, music, dance, art, hobbies, etc. Any and all of these bring reflection on three questions:
- Who am I?
- What do I want and/or need now?
- Where am I going?
The answers will not be revealed through logical reasoning and everyday mind. The answers will be found within, as you listen to and become present with the wisdom in your heart and authentic Self. This is your inner GPS system that will always guide you toward what has heart and meaning and your own North Star.
Take time in stillness to become present with your heart and authentic Self or true nature. Hold your hand(s) over your heart. Start with a simple breath practice, inhaling and filling your lungs with new, clear energy. Release what no longer serves you with each exhalation — stress, tension, confusion, anxiety, etc . Count or focus on each inhale and exhale, noticing how your body, mind, emotions, and life force respond. After 5 - 10 minutes reflect and journal about Self-awareness that arose through this breath practice. Then reflect and write your responses to the above three questions. What did you witness and learn?
“The Heart of Healing” Book Launch Celebration
- At February 26, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Events, Press
We travel together on life’s journeys.
Come celebrate your life and the publication of
“The Heart of Healing: Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care”
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Hope Lutheran Church
211 Elton-Adelphia Road
Freehold, New Jersey 07728
2-5 PM
RSVP: Regina Rosenthal
The Heart of Healing Blog
- At February 15, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog
2013: A Year of New Beginnings
“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.” (Confucius)
I’m thrilled to start 2013 with all of you, sharing a new website, a new blog, and a new book, The Heart of Healing: Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care. I’ve envisioned this book for decades, after physical therapy clients encouraged me to write about our sessions so others could benefit from them, and from the use of Self-care practices. The birth of this book seemed like the longest pregnancy on record to me. It is now time to give birth and bring this new “baby” alive, in service to our individual and collective healing. However, this healing will not occur through my words, but through the heart-and-soul wisdom and guidance that arises in each reader as insights and Self-care practices are applied.
The Heart of Healing describes the heart-and-soul journey and evolutionary process that occurred as I witnessed and experienced the healing journeys of clients, colleagues, family, friends, and my Self. It recounts the journey home to our heart and authentic Self that occurs through healing, and reveals how the journey and Self-care practices guide us to empowering discoveries at the heart, or core, of our being. Through client and personal sessions I was shown that healing is often a lifelong process of growth and development, not always a single life event. Clients and I also learned that healing is stimulated each time we commit to showing up, being present, and connecting with our heart-and-soul paths.
Like the symbolism of the lotus, healing reflects a journey of regeneration and rebirth that brings awakening and enlightenment. Lotus flowers provide inspiration for us when we face healing challenges. They manifest pure beauty as they emerge through murky, dark waters. We, too, are summoned to rediscover what is beautiful as we trudge through swampy waters during healing. The lotus plant’s stalk bends easily, but is very hard to break because of its strong fibers. Healing reminds us of what is unbreakable and infinite in our core being, each time we reconnect with our heart and authentic Self on healing journeys. And, like the lotus, we also reach toward the Light for nourishment and guidance during healing.
We will explore healing together through this blog, learning and growing in ways that stimulate healing for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world… person at a time. Like the constellations above, we are all interconnected and interdependent; we are all conduits of healing for ourselves and one another. It is now time to activate this connection to maximize well-being, promote world healing, and facilitate a return home to our hearts.
As a first step, I invite you to answer the Healing Questionnaire under the Publications tab on my website. This will increase your awareness and set a foundation for deepening Self-awareness during healing experiences and Self-care practices we will explore in future blogs.
Namaste…(the Light in me honors and bows to the Light in you)
News Release: The Heart of Healing: Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care
- At February 15, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Events, Press
For immediate release:
New Shelves Distribution
614 Fifth Avenue
Troy NY 12182
(518) 261-1300
Contact: Nicole Riley –
Regina Rosenthal brings three decades of experience to The Heart of Healing: Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care.
Exciting new book explores the seven universal themes of healing and serves as a guide on the journey home to the heart.
TROY, N.Y. – January 11, 2013 – As a child, Regina Rosenthal stood alone in her family’s backyard, lost in awe while pondering the Great Mystery in the night sky. But Rosenthal acted on her wonder. Today, she is a respected physical therapist, teacher, and health coach, and she has distilled her three decades of experience in the field into The Heart of Healing: Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care (Dimensions of Wellness Press, ISBN-13: 978-0-9885267-0-9, $16.95).
The Heart of Healing fulfills a promise Rosenthal made to clients, to share insights gained during sessions, to help others searching for a path to clarity, Self-awareness, and harmony.
Rosenthal’s exciting manual explores the seven universal themes encountered during healing, while awakening readers to the dynamics of Self-care and life-affirming qualities of the joyful heart.
“We’re living in a world that’s so challenging and heavy,” Rosenthal says. “How do we lighten the load and restore balance to daily life?”
As noted, The Heart of Healing is aimed at anyone interested in maximizing well-being through Self-care, but it is also an invaluable tool for health-care practitioners, social workers, clergy, and others who need to survive, deal with the very real threat of burnout while caring for others, and thrive.
“Healing,” Rosenthal says, “is a path to Self-discovery.”
The Heart of Healing fosters well-being at every stage of life’s journey. It shows readers how to utilize inner strengths, resources, and wisdom, and guides readers on the journey home to their heart.
Regina Rosenthal, PT, MA, lives with her husband near the New Jersey shore, where she becomes present daily with the heart of healing as it emerges in individuals she works with in her private practice.
Visit for more information.
To arrange an interview with the author, or to request a review copy, contact Nicole Riley at New Shelves Distribution –, (518) 261-1300.
The Heart of Healing: Loving Self and Others
- At February 15, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog
Happy Valentine’s Day – “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways….”
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning touched upon love in her sonnet. We, too, are prompted to consider who and what we love on Valentine’s Day.
- Our ability to give and receive love is frequently lost in daily life as we face constant stress and change. Making time to love our Self and others becomes a challenge, yet one which can ground and deepen the connection with our heart and authentic Self. Valentine’s Day is a reminder, but how do we live and bring what is at the heart of all healing, love, into our lives each day?
Self-care practices provide a key to increasing Self-awareness, living mindfully, and being present to give and receive love to ourselves and others. When I begin my day with the Self-care practice of meditation, I am more focused, awake, and aware throughout the day. Add a dance class and I come alive through movement and music that enlivens my body and brings joy to my soul. Time in nature, taking a mindfulness “breather,” brings me home to my human nature, and I return to life as a human being NOT a human doing. And, in case I get too serious, laughter and play breaks lighten my whole being and change my perspective on everything and everyone.
Loving myself, through Self-care practices, ripples out and affects not only my health and well-being but the health and well-being of my family and all my relationships. These practices are like a cool shower on a hot day, after which I feel refreshed, revitalized, and awake to what each moment presents.
What Self-care practices do you use as a way to love and care for your Self?
Namaste…(the Light in me honors and bows to the Light in you)
Events: 2013– Year of the Snake — Women’s Retreat
- At February 15, 2013
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Events
2013: Year of the Snake
May 24-26, 2013
Through group and individual experiences you will :
1. Deepen Self-awareness using meditation, reflection, movement and play.
2. Learn to navigate from your heart and authentic Self.
3. Enhance your ability to show up during change and transformation.
4. Redefine and renew your intuition and life purpose.
5. Explore the beauty and wisdom in Mother Nature and your own nature.
6. Strengthen your connection with Spirit and the Divine Feminine.
4:00 - 5:00 pm Registration
5:00 - 5:30 pm Opening Circle & Meditation
5:30 - 6:30 pm Dinner
7:00 - 7:30 pm Coming Home with Sound & Movement
7:30 - 10:00 pm Recreating Your Path
8:00 - 8:45 am Awareness Journaling & Movement
8:45 - 9:45 am Breakfast
10:00 – 12:00 pm Part 1. Sacred Snake Medicine
12:15 - 1:15 pm Lunch
1:30 - 5:00 pm Acupressure for Self Care
5:00 - 5:30 pm Walking Meditation / Labyrinth
5:30 - 6:30 pm Dinner
7:00 - 10:00 pm Touching the Center of Your Self
8:00 - 9:00 am Meditation & Movement
9:00 – 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 – 12:00 pm Part 2. Sacred Snake Medicine
12:00 – 12:45 pm Your 2013 Soul Path
12:45 - 1:45 pm Lunch
1:45 - 3:00 pm Closing Circle / Weekend Feedback
Monique Arcand is an intuitive & spiritual advisor born and raised in the French-speaking culture of Montreal, Canada. At an early age Monique embraced the passions of art and mysticism. She received a degree in Fine Arts from‘ Ecole des Beaux Arts ‘ and has studied many of the New Age philosophies. Monique’s experience of enlightenment began with the AmericanIndian healer, Monique Peries of Quebec.
Lu Pierro is an author, speaker and nationally certified Health and Wellness Coach. She has spent 30+ years helping clients set goals and maximize their potential. Her goal is to help clients break through their limiting self- beliefs so they can find their true authentic self. In addition to her coaching skills, Lu is the founder of Worldwide Holistic Day, a movement dedicated to worldwide holistic education.
Sharon Rasa has been a visionary and pioneer in the healing arts for over 25 years. Learn from her journey as a student, teacher and doctor. She is known for her innovative and integrated approach to wellness. Dr. Sharon’s life has been devoted to empowering individuals to reach their full healing potential by accessing their inner essence and achieving health through nature’s biological blueprint.
Regina Rosenthal is a physical therapist, teacher, author, and health coach with three decades of experience in the healing arts and sciences. She has presented workshops nationally and internationally, and has worked in hospital, university, home care, and private practice settings. Her new book, The Heart of Healing: Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care, describes seven themes encountered during healing; expands awareness about healing as a journey to our heart and authentic Self; and presents Self-care practices to empower readers during healing.
$425 Early Bird registration until March 31, 2013 includes:
- Two nights lodging at Villa Pauline
- Six meals and snacks
- All presentations, group sessions and activities
$444 Registration after March 31, 2013
Reserve your spot NOW at:
Mail registration: RaSa Health, 312 Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
For further information: 732-842-2610