Professional Seminars

The following Soul Lightening Acupressure seminars integrate traditional healing principles with a powerful method for awakening higher consciousness and soul expression. The work cultivates higher consciousness in the world by empowering soul consciousness in individuals. As more and more individuals come into harmony within their own being, the balancing effect on families and communities expands as well.

The four basic principles of Soul Lightening Acupressure are:

  1. Energy flow in the body promotes wellness and opens new awareness.
  2. Touch and the flow of love from the heart are healing and strengthening.
  3. Every person carries their own healing potential and wisdom within.
  4. The purpose of Soul Lightening Acupressure is to empower that inherent wisdom.

Soul Lightening International (SLI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the teachings of Process Acupressure and Clinical Acupressure, and to the outreach efforts of the Spirit of Seva Project. SLI’s mission is to cultivate soul actualization and purpose in the world, to further human evolution, health and awakening, for the preservation of the family and the global community.

Seminar descriptions, fees, and continuing education credits (CE Hours) are listed below.

For additional course offerings or to register online:

To register by phone: SLI Registrar: 301-704-2387

Soul Lightening Acupressure — Professional Seminars

Introduction to Soul Lightening Acupressure

This two-day seminar is designed to give a broad overview of the scope and practice of Soul Lightening Acupressure. The seminar is ideal for individuals who wish to know more about the Soul Lightening Acupressure program, and/or who are interested in learning a gentle and powerful acupressure technique for balancing and harmonizing body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Participants will learn about the healing and transformative power of Soul Lightening Acupressure; enjoy many opportunities to exchange bodywork sessions; practice techniques to use for Self-care and with others; and take home skills to use immediately in their practice. Previous bodywork experience is recommended, but not required.

Fee: $375

12 CE Hours: Massage Therapists (NCBTMB)

Seva Stress Release ‒ Acupressure for Self-Care: Part One
(3 hours)

In many cultures around the world there is a practice of giving service from the heart. Giving to another person with no expectation of personal gain (Seva) benefits the giver as well as the receiver. The Spirit of Seva Project is the community outreach program of Soul Lightening Acupressure.

In this dynamic, interactive three-hour seminar participants will learn The Seva Stress Release acupressure protocol for Self-care, used in the Spirit of Seva Project. The protocol addresses a wide range of needs, from general relaxation and well-being to extreme shock and stress. Participants will learn through demonstration, hands-on practice, and by performing Chakra Tai Chi, a movement series that increases body-mind awareness and promotes health. Learning will include: the healing power of acupressure; interface touch; acupoints; and use of Seva for Self-healing. Six Self-care tools will be learned: acupressure, meditation, breathing practices, mindfulness, journaling, and movement. Participants will take home valuable skills to use as a home program.

Fee: $60 (Seva Part One is a pre-requisite for Seva Part Two)

3 CE Hours: Massage Therapists (NCBTMB)*
* See Part Two for additional CE Hours

Seva Stress Release Acupressure: Part Two (3 hours)

Part One of The Seva Stress Release is a pre-requisite for this workshop. Part Two reviews the Seva protocol, principles of Soul Lightening Acupressure, and Chakra Tai Chi. In this three-hour seminar participants will learn how to use this protocol with others, through demonstration and practicing the protocol with class participants seated in chairs and lying on massage tables. After taking Part One and Part Two participants will be able to use Seva for Self-care and with clients, family, and friends. The six-hour Seva Stress Release workshop can be taken in two (3) hour segments or one (6) hour segment. This workshop is a pre-requisite for the Acupressure for Anyone workshops below.

Fee: $60

6 CE Hours: Parts One & Two

  • Massage Therapists (NCBTMB)
  • Nurses (AHNA): This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Approval for contact hours through AHNA is based on an assessment of educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.
  • Social Workers (NASW) through May 31, 2013, for all states except: California, Michigan, North Carolina, and West Virginia. This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (#886602138- 9458) for social work continuing education contact hours.

Acupressure for Anyone (A4A)

Seva Part One and Part Two are a pre-requisite for A4A. The six segments in this seminar series are the global educational outreach of Soul Lightening International. A4A provides simple protocols that participants can apply to enhance health, body-mind awareness, and overall wellbeing. Each of the six segments are offered in 3-hour modules, and can be tailored to specific communities. Acupressure formulas are given for common health issues such as headache, insomnia, colds & flu, digestion, etc. as well as powerful balancing formulas for managing stress and calming the mind and spirit.

For full course descriptions see:

Fee: $60 per module
3 CE Hours each module through NCBTMB

Process Acupressure (PA) 1: Gateway to Soul

Process Acupressure 1 is a simple yet profound holistic method that combines traditional acupressure with a process approach to consciousness. In this four-day seminar participants will learn:

  • a powerful acupressure method to enhance body-mind awareness and balance body energies
  • how to combine acupressure with psychological and spiritual process skills
  • how to promote health, growth, and development through the strength and wisdom of the soul
  • how to use Chakra Tai Chi to promote balance, flexibility, coordination, strength, and health

Fee: $625

24 CE Hours:

  • Massage Therapists (NCBTMB)
  • Physical Therapists in Maryland (Maryland Board of Physical Therapy)
  • Social Workers (NASW) through 5-31-13 for all states except: CA, MI, NC, WV “This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (886602138-9456) for SOCIAL WORK continuing education contact hours.”


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