Workshops 2015
- At February 2, 2015
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Continuing Education, Events, Press, Wellness
Part 1 (Acupressure for Self-Care) & Part 2 (Using Seva Acupressure With Others) PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR ALL CLASSES
Mercer County Community College: Saturday, February 28, 2015 (Information & Registration: ; 609-570-3311)
Union County Community College: Saturday, March 7, 2015 (Information & Registration:; 908-709-7600)
Ocean County Community College: Saturday, March 14, 2015 (Information & Registration: ; 732-255-0404)
Union County Community College, Wednesdays, April 8 – 29, 6:30 – 9:30 PM (Information & Registration:; 908-709-7600)
Union County Community College, Wednesdays, March 4 – April 1, (no class 3/18), 6:30 – 9:30 PM (Information & Registration:; 908-709-7600)
Change and Transition
- At February 2, 2015
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Press, Wellness
Happy new year and new beginnings as we bridge the end of 2014 and enter 2015! It feels GREAT to return to my personal and professional routines after several months of change and transition since my last blog post. Time away from familiar activities, both personal and professional, became necessary as my husband and I prepared to sell the home we had lived in for eighteen years and move into a new home in an adult community. After reading ”Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes” by William Bridges years ago, I gained greater understanding about the stages involved with change and transition (endings, in between times, and new beginnings). However, the past six months provided hands-on experiences that helped me practically apply what I had learned. I now appreciate why moving is in the top five out of one hundred stresses on the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. I’ve recognized, again, why self-care is vital for optimizing health and wellbeing during times of change.
Moving preparations involved clearing out, mixed emotions, and endings. Excitement was accompanied by fear about entering the unknown, along with sadness as I transitioned from familiar roles, activities, and surroundings. Saying goodbye to possessions as we packed was challenging — what do I hold onto and what do I let go of? Memories floated through my awareness as I packed a variety of items and assorted “stuff.” Though time had passed, a storehouse of poignant recollections, images, and memories arose, imprinted on my heart. Clearing out and giving away priceless books and crafts was the most challenging. Whispers from the past echoed through everything I touched.
Change and transition was disorienting, especially between moves, as I began to disengage from how I had lived and how I saw myself. Seasonally we were in a time of transition going from fall into winter. Chinese medicine provided a perfect reflection of what was occurring — fall as a time of surrender and winter as a time to go within. I felt out of balance and fatigued as I trudged through each day’s schedule, and sensed the need to build up my reserves in preparation for winter. I remembered the importance of self-care practices and balancing work and rest, as part of living in alignment with nature and my human nature. Returning to my morning rituals of meditation, yoga, and journaling is helping me regain my footing. Silence and quiet time reconnects me to my internal GPS, and brings insights about what best serves my life journey now.
Since moving into our new community, I am discovering creative, fun, and stimulating activities such as the Magic and Performing Arts Clubs. Each brings refreshing moments of laughter and joy as my mind and whole being are stretched participating in new adventures. My passion for teaching and writing about health and healing has been embraced by the community, through a monthly newspaper column I have been asked to write. Every experience reminds me that life continuously brings moments of awe and magic, if we remain open to change and surprise. Self-awareness, self-care practices, and reconnecting with what has heart and meaning support us during times of change. New beginnings bring challenges, but they also bring experiences filled with joy, laughter, and grace.