Spring Classes: Seva Acupressure For Self-Care & Using Seva Acupressure With Others
- At February 23, 2014
- By rrosenthal
- In Blog, Continuing Education, Events, Press, Wellness
“Is the spring coming?” he said. “What is it like?”…….It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine.”
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
Spring is just around the corner. Come refresh your whole being and plant seeds of Self-care at a Seva Stress Release Acupressure class in Holmdel, New Jersey. Classes are available on March 15 and again on April 5.
Seva is the Sanskrit word for compassionate, selfless service. Seva Part 1 teaches how to use this simple acupressure program for Self-care. Seva Part 2 teaches how to use this program with others. Seva Part 1 is a pre-requisite to Part 2, and can be taken as a separate class, or on the same day with a Seva Part 2 class.
Saturday, March 15, 2014: Part 1 Seva Acupressure for Self-Care: 9 AM-12 Noon; Part 2 Using Seva With Others: 1-4 PM (can be taken same day or separately)
Saturday, April 5, 2014: Part 1 Seva Acupressure for Self-Care: 9 AM-12 Noon; Part 2 Using Seva With Others: 1-4 PM (can be taken same day or separately)
INFORMATION: http://www.reginarosenthal.com/education-workshops/professional/
Fee: Seva Part 1: $60; Seva Part 2: $60
Continuing Education: Nurses, Social Workers, Massage Therapists, Asian Bodyworkers (3 hours Seva Part 1; 3 hours Seva Part 2)