Physical Therapy
Specializing in manual therapies and Self-care practices designed to:
- restore balance, harmony, and resilience during change and healing
- relieve pain, stress, and dysfunction
- improve posture, flexibility, mobility, strength, and daily functioning
- promote healing and living life with renewed vitality, meaning, and purpose
- release body-mind patterns that no longer serve
- enhance ability to manage health and life challenges
Integrative Manual Therapy, and Energy Medicine Practices: gentle hands-on therapeutic approaches that stimulate the body’s natural healing ability; facilitate body-mind Self-awareness; and restore balance to physical and energetic systems (meridians and chakras) where blocks, trauma, and stress that contribute to disease may be stored. Therapeutic approaches utilized include: craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, integrative manual therapies, neural and visceral mobilization, Process Acupressure, and Zero Balancing.
Movement therapy and Neuromuscular Re-education: Eastern and Western movement approaches are utilized to promote Self-awareness; strengthen the body-mind connection; support postural and energetic change; improve balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength; and enhance Self-expression. Movement therapy approaches utilized may include: therapeutic exercise; the Feldenkrais Method®, the Trager® Approach, Chakra Tai Chi, and Qigong.
Self-care practices: These tools and strategies empower the ability to actively participate in the healing process and daily well-being. They promote Self-healing, deepen body-mind awareness, and enhance access to inner wisdom and resources. Approaches utilized may include: home exercise programs, breath and movement practices, meditation, mindfulness, guided imagery and visualization, journaling, stress management, acupressure, process work, and Laughter Yoga.